


Elmer/Ice is an Open Source Finite Element Software for Ice Sheet, Glaciers and Ice Flow Modelling

Elmer/Ice is a full-Stokes, finite element, ice sheet / ice flow model. The aim of this website is to present the capabilities of Elmer/Ice and to distribute course materials and tutorials. Elmer/Ice is an add-on package to Elmer, which is a multi-physics FEM suite mainly developed by CSC-IT Center for Science Ltd., Espoo, Finland. Initially started by CSC, IGE and ILTS, currently multiple institutions and individuals contribute to the development of Elmer/Ice. Elmer/Ice is an open-source code based on the finite element method for modeling the flow of ice, glaciers and polar ice caps. Elmer/Ice is based on the numerical core of the Elmer multiphysics finite element code, mainly developed at the CSC - IT Center for Science - in Espoo, Finland. Elmer/Ice is a set of tools dedicated to problem-solving in glaciology. These tools are of various kinds: firstly, specific developments are added to the Elmer code on particular aspects of glacier flow (rheological laws of ice, friction laws, asymptotic thin-layer equations, inverse methods, etc.); secondly, configurations and examples are provided to deal with a wide range of problems; thirdly, the user community is supported by a website , a documentation wiki , and the organization of beginners’ courses and user workshops Elmer/Ice was labeled in 2020 by a specialized commission of Ocean and Atmosphere CSOA for 5 years. This label was renewed for 2025-2029

People involved#






M. chekki

HPC Engineer



Porting the code on clusters (Gricad/TGCC/CINES/IDRIS)+ SNO referent

L. Bastien

Research Engineer



Coupling Elmer/Ice with LMDz, integrating Elmer/Ice into the IPSL climate model