Run a jupyter notebook on the clusters#

Make sure you are able to connect to the clusters ige-calcul1/2//3/4 without any passwords Please refers to the doc Connect to the clusters

Connect to the server#

Il you are using the command

ssh  calcul1

to connect to the cluster ige-calcul1 , then create the ssh tunnel using any port , here 8300

ssh -fNL 8300:localhost:8000 calcul1


The jupyterhub is also available on the other clusters, i.e ige-calcul2 ige-calcul3 ige-calcul4 Make sure to have a look to the features of each cluster as you can access to large memory (up to 700G) and Gpus

Once this done, open a local browser , with this url


First, you will be asked for your agalan login/password

Then you get the different options to choose the needed ressources

  1. Memory

  2. CPUs/ GPUs

  3. Time , etc…


If your job is taking time to get connected, you are problaly waiting in the queue You can connect using ssh , and check the ressources with squeue -u $USER

Here is an example to choose the number of gpus if there are any

If you are allowed to run long jobs (more than 2 days), then the Qos longjobs will appear

You can choose, which interface you need, jupyterlab/jupyter or just a terminal

Finallay you are connected to the a job and have acces to different kernels (pre-built: Matlab +your own : R/…)

You can acces to slurm commands to check the status of your code, from a notebook

Check the cpu usage (extension on the left)

Check the gpu usage (extension on the left)

Use matlab


For the first usage you will be asked to give the license server (Network License Manager)

Once it is done, you will be able to run matlab and the configuration will be saved for future usages

Exit the server#

In order to stop the kernel et kill the allocated job go to Hub Control Panel

Restart the server#

You can restart the server , by clicking on the button Start My Server It will ask you again for new ressources adn connect you to the server

Add you own environment#

You can add you own kernel/ environment created with micromamba for example

R exammple#

  1. Create your R environment

  micromamba create -n Renv python=3.10 -c conda-forge
  micromamba activate Renv
  micromamba install r r-base r-essentials -c conda-forge
  1. Add the kernel to your jupyterlab

Open R terminal


Pytorch example#

  1. Create pytorch env

   micromamba create -n EnvPytorch python=3.10 -c conda-forge
   micromamba activate EnvPytorch
   micromamba install pytorch torchvision torchaudio  -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge
   micromamba install ipykernel  -c conda-forge
  1. Install the pytorch environement

python -m ipykernel install --name EnvPytorch --prefix=/home/chekkim/.local

Run Vscode on the clusters#


If you don’t need to use python and only vscode, you can select Terminal for the User Interface, instead of jupyterlab or jupyter This will open only a terminal on the server

Once you are connected to jupyterhub

Open a terminal from the jupyter launcher and get the informations to connect to the server in the output of your job

head -10  $HOME/jupyterhub_slurmspawner_$SLURM_JOBID.log

Example for my JOBID=8:

chekkim@ige-calcul2:~$ head -10  jupyterhub_slurmspawner_8.log
Starting code-server in Slurm
Environment information:
Date: mer. 12 févr. 2025 14:53:13 CET
Allocated node: ige-calcul2
Node IP:
Path: /home/chekkim
Password to access VSCode: user_jobid
Listening on: 46479

Then create an ssh tunnel with the given port

ssh -fNL 46479:localhost:46479 calcul1/2/3/4

and open your local browser


Entre the password:

Then you can open any folder on the remote server

and that’s it , now you can modify your code and run vscode