Run vscode directly on cluster frontend or a cluster node

Run vscode directly on cluster frontend or a cluster node#

Install the Remote SSH extension. Ensure you have set up your $HOME/.ssh/config file and ssh keys so you can access dahu without any password. See SSH-keys for details.

Run on the cluster#


This documentation is based on dahu cluster , but you can replace dahu by bigfoot or any other cluster available on Gricad

Open vscode on your local machine, and open a remote window to dahu (vscode should see your local ssh config file and so recognize the ‘dahu’ host). You will be connected to dahu frontend, and you should be to open your files/save them and submit a job from vscode terminal.

Run on a cluster node#

If you want to edit or run code interactively in a job on dahu, you must do some additional configuration. You must be using a linux terminal (e.g. mobaxterm/putty) or you can do this using vscode.

Of course all these steps are not necessary, you can just open a new terminal once you are connect to dahu with vscode and use oarsub to request the ressource ans continue on the terminal.

The following steps are more adapted to people who are not familiar with terminal-based text editing tools like vi/vim and would like to work in a GUI style, directly from vscode.

Config ssh-keys on dahu

# On dahu frontend
ssh-keygen -t rsa

On your workstation, put the ssh key from dahu in a VSCODE folder:

# On your local machine
mkdir ~/VSCODE
scp dahu:~/.ssh/id_rsa .

Run a job on dahu

Connected to dahu and run an interactive job:

# On dahu frontend
login_agalan@f-dahu:~$ oarsub -k -i .ssh/id_rsa -I -l nodes=1/core=1,walltime=01:00:00 --project sno-elmerice
[FAST] Adding fast resource constraints
[PARALLEL] Small jobs (< 32 cores) restricted to tagged nodes
[ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description with type constraints
Import job key from file: .ssh/id_rsa
Interactive mode: waiting...

Connect to OAR job 21106958 via the node dahu34

Now, on your workstation add these lines to $HOME/.ssh/config file. Make sure that the dahu node (here dahu34) matches the one assigned to your OAR job.

Host dahunode
  ProxyCommand ssh dahu -W "dahu34:%p"
  User oar
  Port 6667
  IdentityFile ~/VSCODE/id_rsa
  ForwardAgent no

Make sure to change the name of dahu node, each time you start a new connection, depending on the node you get. Here it is dahu34.

On Vscode, for remote access, it will ask you to choose a server name from the config file, choose dahunode. If you just need to acces to dahu, just select dahu instead of dahunode.


In order to check if vscode is able to connect to a node, once you get the node, you can open a terminal from vscode and type “ssh dahunode”, you should get the assigned node.