Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux

Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux#

Type in the research bar: Turn Windows features

Or for Windows french version

Type in the research bar: Activer fonctionalités Windows

-  Reboot
-  Install ubuntu  version 22 or later  , from Microsoft/Windows store and then run the ubuntu application


If you are not able to see theses feature, you need to enable developer mode . To do this on Windows

-  Go to Settings > Update & Security > For Developers > Developer Mode.
-  Search directly in the search bar of windows “Developer mode”

Using the graphical interface#

By default, ubuntu installation does not support graphical modules. To access graphics under Windows



then, once installed, run Xlaunch

then launch ubuntu on your personal machine and place this line in your $HOME/.bashrc terminal

export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0


source .bashrc

PS: the .bashrc is not visible just with the ls command, you need to use ls -a

Try now running an xterm locally to test first:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install xterm


Once X11 is up and running, connect with ssh -X

ssh -X dahu (ssh -X bigfoot)

The connection is made taking into account the display export, i.e. if you launch a graphical interface directly on dahu/bigfoot or the nodes, it should be displayed on the personal computer.